Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Impact Of Information Technology On Work Organisations Essay

The Impact Of Information Technology On Work OrganisationsThe impact of information technology has significant do on thestructure, management and functioning of most organisations. Itdemands new patterns of engage organisation and effects individual jobs,the formation and structure of groups, the nature of supervision andmanagerial roles. In the case of new office technology it allows thepotential for staff at clerical/operator level to carry out a wider align of functions and to check their own work. The result is a changein the handed-down supervisory function and a demand for fewersupervisors. IT has prompted a ontogenesis movement towards more automatedprocedures of work. There is a movement aside from large scale,centralized organization to smaller working units. Processes ofcommunication are increasingly limited to computer systems with therapid transmission of information and nimble access to theirnational or international offices. Changes wrought by IT marrow thatindi viduals may work more on their own, from their personal workstation or even from their own homes, or work more with machines thanwith otherwise people. One person may be capable of carrying out a widerrange of activities. There are changes in the nature of supervisionand the conventional heirachal structure of jobs and responsibilities.Therefore the introduction of IT undoubtedly transforms significantlythe nature of work and employment conditions for staff. The ma...

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